Bless Sermon Series

Join us as we begin to discover a brand new rhythm of evangelism.

We have been so richly blessed by God, and as an out flowing of our gratitude, we are called to be a blessing to the world. Together we are learning practical steps and practices that help us to be that blessing to our friends and neighbors. Please feel free to explore this page to find more information about each of these steps of blessing as well as a journal resource below for you to download and use at home. 

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Begin With Prayer

This is the cornerstones step of discovering how we can bless our world. We begin by intentional prayer. We first pray that God opens our eyes to see those whom he would like us to bless. But then we covenant to continue to.pray for these people who do not yet know Jesus. Praying that God would prepare our life as well as theirs. We pray in the posture of asking God, “How do you want to grow and use me to bless the people in the places where you have sent me?”

Listen With Care

As God gives us opportunities to begin to foster relationships, develop friendships, and be invited into their story, we then begin to develop the practice of truly, leaning in and listening to others with care and compassion.  As we develop this practice we will also learn to listen to the Spirit as well as listening for evidence of God’s work in people’s lives. In this practice we learn to ask questions that invite others to tell their stories, reveal their hearts, and help them discover the truth of who God is.

eat Together

This is probably the most practical of steps that we take. But as we work to foster deep, genuine friendships, we recognize that the practice of eating together can be a sacred and holy moment. It is often during shared meals that barriers are broken down in friendship and trust is built. So, as we share a meal, drink coffee, enjoy desserts together, we are cultivating friendships.

Serve in love

As we continue the posture of prayer, foster the practice of listening, God will bring to light ways and opportunities to serve our friends and neighbors. In this practice, we are looking for tangible ways to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Big or small, this acts of service help to bless our neighbors.

Share your Story

We understand as we continue to walk in friendship with those that God has placed in our path, he will give us unique opportunities to share our own personal stories of how God's redemption and love has transformed our lives. As we listen with compassion, seek wisdom from the Spirit, and foster relationships built on genuine love and affection, there will be times when we are invited to share our stories of faith.

Join Us!

Join us on this journey of discovery, as we prayerfully look for and discover ways to bless our neighbors. You can download the BLESS journal HERE.